Grand Theft Auto: Canada
Coming soon from Rockstar games...
The Little Mermaid 2
Coming soon...
The heart warming tale of a mermaid who wasn't as pretty as all the other mermaids.
All she wanted in life was to be loved. :(
Finally, a blind sailor met her one day while harpooning for whales and fell in love with her fish smell.
The sailor eventually asks her to marry him and come live up on the surface with him.
So the little mermaid ends up going up there and dies because, y'know, she totally has the wrong respiratory parts.

Coming September 2006
How to get a free ipod!
Nobody is giving away free ipods.
Nobody has ever in the history of giving things away for nothing has ever given away a free ipod.
But that doesn't mean you can't fake it!
Can't afford an ipod?
Follow these instructions to impress all your friends, family, and more importantly, people you've never met before!
Step 1:
Find yourself a pair of old earbud earphones:

Whether in working condition or not is irrelevant in the world of poseuring.
Step 2:
Next, get yourself some white paint. Or for better results, a can of white spray paint.
Proceed to covering the entire set of earphones in white:

Step 3:
Tuck the excess wire into your pocket, or for stronger hold tie it to a belt buckle holder thingy on your pants:

Step 4:
Now go to the mall and spend all the money you saved by not buying an ipod!
And everyone will still think you own one with your ultra sleek white earphones!
And nobody will be the wiser!

Happy ipodding, my friends!